How Travelling Solo Will Change Your Life

Travelling solo in a foreign country was definitely not something I was keen for initially. However one day during my travels, I realised that I was by myself and loving it!

Travelling solo changed my life. And if you’re ready to take the plunge it will change yours too. Here’s why!

Embrace the Unknown!

Solo travelling will definitely push you outside of your comfort zone. If you’re ready to grow as a person, then you’re going to love it. Without having a buddy to rely on, you’ve got to own every situation. It’s up to you to make new friends, to navigate when you’re lost and you decide where you should go next and how to get there.

Find Yourself

Travelling solo really gives you an opportunity to listen to your own thoughts, needs and desires. Often when travelling with friends or partners we go with the flow and follow what the group wants. When you’re travelling solo, it’s just you. Think. What do I want to do today? Where am I going to eat? What am I going to see? Who am I going to meet and hang out with? How much money will I spend today? You’re the boss and believe it or not, having this new found selfishness where you don’t have to worry about anyone else but yourself, can be quite liberating and empowering.

Find a Travel Buddy

Travelling solo isn’t all about you being by yourself the whole time. When I travel solo I’m constantly making new friends along the way. It’s super easy and fun, plus if you get sick of your new friends you can say your farewells and go find some more!

When people ask me about solo travelling, making new friends is definitely their number one concern. Take my word for it, meeting travel buddies is easy but if you need some help try staying at a backpackers either in a private room or in the dorms and make sure they have a good central meeting area. Hang around long enough and you’re bound to make friends. If you’re staying in an Airbnb select places where you can rent out a room or a bed. That way you’ll be able to make friends with your host and get the low down on the local area.

Complete Spontaneity

One of the perks of being by yourself is your days are completely yours to do what you choose with. You’re in control of your itinerary. If you want to chill out, then go for it. If you decide its time to move to the next town or country, then do it. You were meant to leave today, but you’re loving the beach, then stay! Travelling solo is all about you, no compromise necessary. You’re the boss and the adventure is yours to navigate. I woke up one day when I was in England wishing that I was in the US. So what did I do? I got up and booked my flights. BOOM! Total freedom baby.

New Found Self-Confidence

This actually took me by surprise. I didn’t think about how roaming the world by myself would allow me to grow as a person or improve my self-confidence. Thinking about it now, it seems obvious. If you’re looking to find your own voice, discover what you want, meet new friends, escape from the same old group of people, then this is for you. I won’t lie, there’ll be times where you’ll feel lonely, but that’s part of the process. Believe it or not, when travelling I chose to go to the movies by myself and it ROCKED!

So stop waiting for your friends or partner to be ready to travel. Pack your bags now, grab your passport and get out there! Embrace the Unknown!

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