Our Top Travel Hacks!

Want to work less and travel more? Yup, so do we! Sharing is caring right, so we wanted to let you in on our top travel hacks so you have more cash in your pocket when you’re travelling the world…

As you guys know, spontaneity is our middle name! We rarely book our trips more than a week or so in advance, it’s usually more like a couple of days before we head off.

It can totally freak some people out to think about travelling this way, but we’ve got a couple of hacks up our sleeve that make this last minute spontaneous ‘just go’ attitude a great way to not only save cash, but to even make a few extra dollars in the process! Plus, it’s heaps more fun!

So, here are our top two travel hacks that we use all the time!

Travel Hack Number One: HotelQuickly

Does the thought of booking your accommodation last minute have you breaking out in a rash? Do you get sweaty palms at the thought of rocking up to a new destination and being homeless?

That was me before I shifted my mindset about travelling and discovered that most of the time the best deals are to be had last minute and even better than that, when you arrive at your destination. Gasp! I know it sounds crazy to those people who love to plan ahead. But hear me out here…

We’ve discovered an app that has completely changed how we book our accommodation when we travel. Previously, I would often book the first night somewhere ahead of time and then work it out from there but now I can leave it until the day of or the day before we arrive and know I’m going to get a crazy good deal with HotelQuickly in my back pocket on my iPhone!

Available in more than 250 destinations in 15 countries across Asia-Pacific, this little app has been an awesome addition to our list of travel hacks. Plus, just like the much-loved Uber, you can earn hotel credit simply by sharing the love with your friends. But don’t take our word for it. Download HotelQuickly now and you’ll get $25 AUD credit from us for you to use on your first stay! Woo hoo! Awesome right.

You can also check out a video we made of us using the app in real time here on our recent trip to Singapore.

Travel Hack Number Two: MadeComfy

After almost two years of travelling around the world we’ve always maintained our home base in Sydney. How do we do that? Well, a couple of things have allowed us to keep our apartment in Sydney and pay our rent as we travel. One being our home based business, which allows us to earn an income every week as we travel. You can read more about that here.

The second being our love affair with Airbnb as a way to cover our costs and sometimes even make a bit of extra cash in the process.

Recently though, we’d started to get a bit jaded with the whole Airbnb process. It just seemed like a whole lot of effort to find people to stay in our place, make sure they’re legit people and then find a way to check them in and out, have the place cleaned before and after, etc. etc. Plus, if we are away for an extended period it sometimes means multiple guests, which makes it even trickier to organize when we’re away.

Then a really amazing thing happened. We met Sabrina from MadeComfy at one of our blogger Meetups. This was the exact solution we’d been looking for in terms of renting out our place and not having to worry about all the little details. These guys look after all of that for you! In a nutshell, MadeComfy handle the whole process for you, from marketing your property, providing you with extra insurance cover, coordinating all the cleaning and changing of linen and managing the entire rental process. Amazing!

At this time MadeComfy is only available here in Sydney but something tells me these guys are on to a really good thing and will be expanding very soon. Sydneysiders, get amongst this and take a look at MadeComfy, you’ll never look back and you’ll be rewarded financially too! Winning!

Now this travel hack does take a little more organization than the first to set up, but once you’re done it’s smooth sailing from there. Allow Sabrina and the team at least two weeks to get everything in order before your first guests are due to arrive. There’s also an amazing Affiliate Program available with these guys too so don’t forget to mention that if you’re interested in sharing this service with your network.

So there you have them. Our top two travel hacks that will help you guys be more spontaneous and travel smarter! We challenge you guys to use both of these hacks and let us know what you think. If you have any travel hacks that you use to make your travels easier we’d love to hear them.

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